I'm looking into his eyes, the miracle of birth, the width, of which is unsurmountable girth, a product of where we are going and where we came, earth, I pray and hope it blossoms, a life full of piety, and mirth, even when lifes sadness takes its sway, I hope you still recognize its worth, despite its transcience and spiritual dearth, I pray you find it at last
peace, for the next miracle comes racing fast
the miracle of death
Tribute to words of wisdom gleaned from Islam (the person). We were discussing the miracle of birth, the journey of innocence into this world, and the miracle of death; the inscrutable journey, that we shall all traverse--allowing the prospect of life to cycle through generations to come, for innocence to find its way. Death is a matter of Life. Birth and Death, both thought provoking 'miracles' that enrich our sense of being and ground us back into the grips of reality.
I will take you there, I will Hold you by your hand Our fragile earth shakes now, But trust in Him, Tomorrow we will stand What is this world, But breaths and dust, Rustling in the wind And live we must. I will take you there. I may not know the future, But it will sure come to know me.
oh help me God, look past my unfaithful love, look past my pride, oh how it blinds my sight look past my faults, oh how engulfing they are
it is your hand i seek, in the profundities of my heart, how many a beloved loved but so few in love, so i make no claims to love, you, as you love me, for in all loftiness your Love of all things great is greater.
Wish you were mine from the start, Like heaven wrote our names on the Throne but time wrote us apart, I wish you were there with me, When my heart began to echo your name So I could, feel your warmth, and wonder, perhaps your heart echoed the same
I wish I knew your name from before, I'd whisper it under my breaths again and again, I wouldn't tire or bore, I wish I had known your visage, your face I would imagine it in all that I see, Like the world was to be found in one place
I wish but i wish no longer, Your heart's now nestled in mine And everyday its love grows stronger Lord, I wish you'd keep this love flowing, I'd rather live and love than die not knowing Remembering your name, as the The kernel of my soul remains forever glowing
Lord, light the candles of my heart, For of what value is life, i ask If you are not by my side, If I am not by yours, our hearts unallied And what of love? Bewitched by its snares Raptly staring into its eyes, as it stares
I would envisage all that is you in me, In everything that I see around, echoes of your name, permeations of your sound In search of true love, I would cleave our hearts open, Cleave to your love hoping
it's not what was said, but who said it, how sweet it is to be murdered by the poisonous dagger of your enemy than to be wounded by the one to whom your heart harbours love frail strikes and lasting wounds,
Lovely thoughts caress my heart As i recall the one about you A thought so vivid, I would tear apart And I am sure the world would too
About love, how might i begin, As I was certain of its death, And speechless I lay therein, Trying to catch my breath
I pay no heed to my lonesome years, Which yearned for someone like you I count not anymore my withered tears, Which all droughts wished they knew,
And feel I, always, regret and remorse That if only this happiness was forever And that you were its eternal source And now I will write, and no word shall sever
For if the seas were like paper to pen, And oceans, books wherein i may write at ease Then marvel at my words oh men, That no ocean or sea could ever endure And if this love be like a fatal disease Then i have truly died and there is no cure.
I am that fountain of love, And you are its gushing water, I am that tranquil dove, And you are what lets it fly further
And the words are endless you see, But what the soul aspires is true And no second would i ever be, If it wasn't for the likes of you
4/14/2002 ---- One of my earliest poems (surviving poems hahah, one i realy worked hard on..lol at that time it was a feat)
Would you wait for me even as time forgets my name, would you forget me in time, just the same, would you look at me as a distant stranger you once knew, after all we've been through, what would you?
In another world, where our two fates meet, Our hearts, together beat, in another world, Where I am forever yours and you mine Our dreams, submerged in infinite time Waking up to your love, in a world Where our two horizons share the same Sun, And the Moon, brilliant, together as one I wait, by the orchard trees, Fingers twiddling righteous beads, Whispering devout deeds, Remembering your name, Waiting for the day we meet In Eden, Where our hearts, together, beat again.
"Friends are a single soul divided between different bodies."~Imam Ali (Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 2059)
"Souls are of different kinds. Those that resemble each other are in harmony, and people are more attracted towards those they resemble."~Imam Ali (Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 92)
leaves swaying as they fall, from gallant trees that still stand tall, colouring the earth with their presence, steadily nourishing its very essence, the array of life sustained through death, i marvel at your world, Oh lord how glorious your ways, still catching my breath as i gaze, counting my fleeting days, teach me to love, live, and die, in your name, for all else pales yes all else pales, and lays no claim
you loved me but now the tide subsided was once a soul you adored and confided what happens to the voice of time, as it whispers its solemn secrets past my senile ears,
saying cherish the ones you love for I will take them away, and love the ones He treasures for it is they who I cannot slay,
everything in time will pass, you were not meant to stay, and never say love's sacred words, if they were not meant forever,
for love is not love, truly, if in time, it too shall pass and severe,
listen to the murmurs of your heart tis a language known to all, but know no sooner do you ignore its voice the louder it shall call,
louder and louder,
till its listener hears no longer, deaf, to love and life, dead even as the voice of truth grows stronger. deaf, to love and life.
naivety so is the adversary of man how lightly this life we take, the short-sightedness of man transfixed upon the womb of this world infants still hoarding our mothers noxious milk.
"The bane of humour is lack of shame; the bane of courage is aggression; the bane of generosity is mentioning one's favours to others; the bane of beauty is arrogance; the bane of worship is abeyance; the bane of speech is lying; the bane of knowledge is forgetfulness; the bane of wisdom is foolishness; the bane of good lineage is pride; and the bane of liberality is wastefulness." ~The Prophet
Hadith: #44091, Kanz al-Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi
I'm a box of contradictions, inconsistencies, four-sided triangles and satanic inscriptions, psychological tsunami's, I'm a haven for prescriptions, prozac, promap, procrap, you name it, i took it, still take it, still suffering but they say i'll make it,
so they say, who cares, especially today, where there are no sides and some say there never were sometimes the words stream off my mind and my soul and sometimes they just slur, a lyrical cerebral blur, a reflection of Babylon as it locks its shackles in place, constricting my potential but nonetheless smiling in my face, giving me a glass of water assuring me that i'm more than just material cannon fotter but i'm unconvinced, cause its like we are lined up for the slaughter,
makes you wonder what the heavens were thinking, did someone miscalculate or have we pierced our own boat and now we are sitting there sinking, thinking, why is the water so cold, no one ever taught us to swim, why is the world so brute and the world so grim,
So we are there sinking, thinking rotting like so many nations before us, nations that bore us, I watched a mother carry her infant child, innocent grace, untainted face, exponential potential, all in one place looking into its eyes, i see hope in a child, willfully naive, i'm no stranger to this world, and i'm not easily beguiled but who knows
who knows what the future will hold, will its heart remain tender, human, or will it selfishly run cold, a box of inconsistencies, contradistinctions, and contradictions? i'll let God worry about the statistics for now, I am hopeful with every soul that is born and with every soul that passes my heart is torn
Whimpered tears Hiding behind her bright eyes, Dormant fears, They do not see her pain or imagine her anguish, Feigned happiness, Plastered smiles, They cannot hear her muffled cries, In the darkness Where her true self lies,
Pitted in utter agony
As her soul silently passes Mourning her own funeral, Unbeknownst to the masses She will not live, Spiritual suicide, Her love she will not give, Her self, only lies in illusions Insecure intrusions Gnawing at her soul, In the darkness,
They say the truth knows no name, It journeys from stranger to stranger, land to land, Till its lost in distant valleys, and it's not known from where it came
It's softly uttered by the masses, Whispered between their souls, Till a time passes --where it is shouted Across canyons and rooftops and the Truth is told
It's like a gentle scent, That has just eased out of a crimson rose The scent is guarded by humble servants Who chose God, and whom God chose
They treasure it, vigilantly watching where it goes, lest its whiff is smelt by Foul souls-- For God knows, they cannot fathom its beauty For them the truth is foul, putrid, With no semblance to a rose,
They cannot bear its pleasant fragrance And are quick to mask its horrid scent They cringe their faces in disgust and are doubtful of what is scent They are doubtful of the truth, Who sent it, and its scent
But every so often, Every so often, their comes a dove, Whose graceful wings smell of the rose, Where so ever the dove flies so too its scent goes, But the hunters spot it and its scent, And so they line up in uneven rows, Casting their bows, toward the dove And its not long before it is met with arrows,
Soon the earth is drenched in red, And it is not long before it is said Why haven't the heavens sent their scent And man searches, to and fro, in distant valleys Wondering where the truth went
Be like the wind as it Flutters past my ears, It is not the wind i desire Nor the wind i fear Be like the wind A messenger that whispers your tears, as they trickle over our hearts Like the world that is born anew, Your rains waters all. Even the deserts covet your mercy. Moist hope, Buried beneath our parched hearts. Be like the wind And free us from our bondage.
Awash amid a sea of peace, Bathe me in your Love-- Drown me in its depths or cease The wings of this fallen dove to which heights shall it soar? In search of your face For whence it looks It sees you there
The nights I can no longer sleep For your love grips me to fear I cannot bear to lose you for the heavens would weep And my eyes their tears too I have loved so vividly life, for even its pain softly whispers your name And in death too, for life would never be the same. As heaven would have it, and earth, gripped by your love Only time and tears, until we unite again. Only time and tears
I love you but how quickly i betray Don't look into my eyes--Oh Lord There is much that they say, Of infidelity, shame and dismay So foul is the heart of man, When the reigns of love Are forsaken And in our hearts the beloved lies Slain.
I peer into the shrivelled pages of my past The viscous ink still sodden as it bleeds on to the present, Fragile papyrus, neatly resting under my fettered fingers, Cursively writing my fate, As Providence writes it for me
From a distance
Life is coloured sweetness Morning air, warm rain, and citrus scents Plush red, pond lily's, angelic aroma's Yet to flee our guileless senses Ephemeral love, felt
From a distance
Hectic, frenetic, tremors of unease Coarse, maroon, threads of suffering, Sons of Cain, tangled in limp weaves of pain, Stitching the last crevices of our hardened hearts How I long to feel,
I can feel it, like a trickle at the chamber of my heart, A distant, but ever familiar feeling, gently stroking the mane of my consciousness, whispering what my senses cannot bear to withstand, teaching me that there is more.
I can see you, I can feel you. Snippets of your being, a whiff of your soul, slighting past mine.
I can only feel My heart wince in sorrow, Coloured worlds around me, Apparitions of love and life As if but pale and hollow Here today, forgotten tomorrow
Mine, forever, pleasure and pain To see your treasured soul waver Between your eyes again, and again, Your precious iris, Peering through mine Only to find yours
It is we who colour this Bleak world, And it is we who strip Our hearts of its edenic fragrance And wear its luminous lustre
Don't look away, Forever seek. Until time's gentle fingers Pass over our tired eyes And all that remains of love and life is You.
The ripples of action The depredations of time, The ravages of my soul The acrid whispers of whimsy Reeling in my passion Muting the sensation Corporeal entrapment Spiritual cessation
Corroding my identity Fleeting feelings of serenity Masking the numbness of My soul, the spiritual paralysis Plaguing us all
As we veer off into forlorn forests Trees born of our action, Bearing but putrid fruit Wading through the Labyrinth of Life
In our Quest for Verity, Love, Peace
------- Thought i should share sometihng while i can, my laptop died recently, please give a moment of silence and recite something for it -- it had a stroke today, and the motherboard is completley fried :P Alhamduillah i recovered my files, so first thing that came to mind, was let me share what i have while i can. Much Love and Peace.