February 28, 2007

Pictures of Canada in Syria!

Cheaaaaaaay khabar?! Shakooo makooooo….! All the usual…these are just some pics from last week, some of mah thai brothers invited me to go on a trip with them to the Bloudan area, near the Lebanese borders….to feel the stupendous thrill of lush white snooooooow! Snow which I've had enough of in Canada, but what am I kiddin it was nice having an occasional snow ball fight ad not to mention Syrian snow is soooooo different from Canadian snow! Really…it is, its got this thing aobut it, I can't really put my finger on it (maybe cause its too cold..but anyway) …yeah, there is something about snow being in a desert that makes it thrilling….well ok no there isn't? but wouldn't be cool if there was? Confused? I certainly am. It was all fun, except that I had a dentist appointment earlier that day, and the dentists maliciously toook my third molar(wisdom tooth, yup, no wisdom here) out, it was huuuuuugee….and it was painful! So between the pain and the occasional coconsciousness, I managed to have a little fun...

Well here check em out, … for those of u sick of seein me (don't blame you, I'm sick of me tooo :P) there are several scenic pics there too…enjoy….


These are the bros, I know you'll have a hard time spotting me in the pic so I'll help u out..from the left Shukree, Hussien, Adam, Baqir, moi, and Dhakir

Notice how the snow is actually white??? Fascinatin isn't it?!

A deleted scene from War of the Worlds! Don't know whats into me here, could be the toooth pain again? ..Me and Hussien doing some serious meditation at the top of the mount, that said there a lot of biblical mountains around here, well purportedly biblical, I don't know how true the reports are…. The grave of Abel amongst others!...
Dis man is the artist, you'll get to see one of his creations soon in the next pic.
LoL sittin in front of the idol they created!, I told em it was harram! But them fellas just wouldn't listen! I think idol worship is hereditary! Bah… lol, we actually had people climb up the mountain to take a picture with the idol! Hahah my lordy! It was toooo funnnny its gonna be a popular tourist halmark soon..give it some time...well untill the snow melts...

That’s it….. Hope ya enjoyed it…
February 08, 2007

She sings...

The music that resonates, caressing the fortress of my heart
the crimson citadel, guarding the adversary, from its chambers,
her voice is ever so beautiful, melting, mesmerizing, the cold bricks
quiver-- her tempo crescendos -- heaving the sirens of my spiteful soul
It can't take clamour, it squirms in desperation, the relief of denial
If only I were deaf, it would desperately cry, for she sings and I can't help but listen,
I love her,
the hymns of truth she sings, scathing the callous skin that drapes my heart
reminding me of what I have spent this life forgetting,
and eternity regretting.
So she sings and I can't help but listen
to her songs of truth.
Her songs of truth.