September 23, 2008


so is the adversary of man
how lightly this life we take,
the short-sightedness of man
transfixed upon the womb of this world
still hoarding our mothers
noxious milk.

The Banes of Life

"The bane of humour is lack of shame; the bane of courage is aggression; the bane of generosity is mentioning one's favours to others; the bane of beauty is arrogance; the bane of worship is abeyance; the bane of speech is lying; the bane of knowledge is forgetfulness; the bane of wisdom is foolishness; the bane of good lineage is pride; and the bane of liberality is wastefulness." ~The Prophet

Hadith: #44091, Kanz al-Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi
September 04, 2008

I'm a Box


I'm a Box,

I'm a box of contradictions, inconsistencies,
four-sided triangles and satanic inscriptions,
psychological tsunami's,
I'm a haven for prescriptions,
prozac, promap, procrap,
you name it, i took it, still take it,
still suffering but they say i'll make it,

so they say,
who cares, especially today, where there are no sides
and some say there never were
sometimes the words stream off my mind and my soul
and sometimes they just slur, a lyrical cerebral blur,
a reflection of Babylon as it locks its shackles in place,
constricting my potential but nonetheless smiling in my face,
giving me a glass of water
assuring me that i'm more than just material cannon fotter
but i'm unconvinced, cause its
like we are lined up for the slaughter,

makes you wonder what the heavens were thinking,
did someone miscalculate or have we pierced our own boat
and now we are sitting there sinking,
thinking, why is the water so cold,
no one ever taught us to swim,
why is the world so brute and the world so grim,

So we are there sinking, thinking
rotting like so many nations before us,
nations that bore us,
I watched a mother carry her infant child,
innocent grace, untainted face,
exponential potential, all in one place
looking into its eyes, i see hope in a child,
willfully naive,
i'm no stranger to this world, and i'm not easily beguiled
but who knows

who knows what the future will hold,
will its heart remain tender, human, or will it selfishly run cold,
a box of inconsistencies, contradistinctions, and contradictions?
i'll let God worry about the statistics for now,
I am hopeful with every soul that is born
and with every soul that passes my heart is torn