October 22, 2006

The Widow's Tears

Behind me the widow sits at the corner-stall, her family awash in the sea of fate, their memories ebbing with her sighs…their solemn silhouettes caressing her grief-stricken heart, but to what avail?

Do not recount their names before her, for they but bring a wicked sorrow that would but gash away at a heart whose numbered beats have become faint and senile. Watch as her parched tears etch the arid sands below her -- carving her anguish -- jagged letters of agony...

Let the torrent of her tears cascade and the soil imbibe her sorrow, let the letters become words, for perhaps now the heavens would lend their catholic ears and listen.

She says nothing, but of course she needn't say -- everything around her has so gravely spoken.
The maroon blood stains blotch her noticeably tattered clothes; it’s a sight no less grim then the ravaged streets that surround around her. No less dire than the innominate children across from her, scavenging through carrion waste, sullying their once innocent hearts. Another sigh escapes the grip of her crippling grief, consoling briefly her heart with an ever so distant hope, reminding her that ‘His’ vital spirit still surges within her. That it is not death that encircles her but the verve of life coiled in the pangs of her suffering.

Trying her—painfully chiseling the breadth of her vision; shattering the shackles of this noxious love. Like a mother disciplining her insolent child, that perhaps beyond the tears and grief, she might listen. That she might learn.

I wipe her tears with my fleeting thoughts, still damp from life’s somber lessons. For if she has yet to learn, she has at least taught me a lesson.
October 07, 2006


Just some words…to those of you who haven’t found out personally, alhamdulillah, Damascus University accepted me into their program and i’m really enjoying the studies – its such a diverse environment, its really cool, i’ve got a class with about four Korean girls who don’t cease to amaze me with their advanced arabic, especially when they throw a specific word my way, that I have no idea about in arabic…and that happens quite often actually.. and we’ve got a really cool American (I know it’s rarity, but nothings impossible in this world :P) whose arabic is impeccable. It’s really interesting, we have all sorts of interesting discussions of course all in classical arabic (which I completely suck at) about terrorism (all eyes on me, nah just kidding :P, but can’t help but feel people are always trying to gauge if you’re the terr0rist muslim or not so soo as they hear/see you are muslim but, can’t blame em can i?) the only terror coming out of my mouth is when i try to speak in classical arabic and butcher it with lengthy stutters and stammers ... but all in all, i am improving alhamdulillah.. ah and go figure, the marriage topic doesn’t seem to want to leave me in this university! lol, first someone asked if I was married because I was wearing a religious ring :P muhahah to which I answered with a very inviting, no :P and then we had an entire lesson where we discussed the topic, …of men and women today, nature of relationships, promiscuity and of course marriage…

Anyway whats important is,

Fursa sa’eeeda to you all aahah

the crib here is really cool too alhamdulillah, very clean, somewhat spacious, and very hommy (that’s right homie), all in all, its all going pretty well, with exception to some really painful, possible food-poisoning episodes (couldn’t say I wasn’t warned about it though) …it’s all good alhamdulillah. I’m back to my training routine as well, haha, its sooo built into me, I feel something is lacking unless I’m throwing punches and kicks and picking up metal :P i’ve added swimming to the tab as well … but that all depends on how much of the much desired time i’ll have left to do all this.

But man, things run so differently here hahah, but lol, I’ll leave that for another post…

As much as I hate –me me me- posts, i thought id let yall know how its all coming..
