December 18, 2007

Too Late

Frantic, Frustrated, Perturbed,
His soul yearns for peace, for stability,
A world enshrouded in tumult,
Enthralling the compass of his soul
Steadily steering the helm of his ship,
To desolate islands, Degradation,
Shipwrecked at its squalid shores,
Laden with tattered bones,
And hopes,
Remnants of his sons and daughters,
My fate for treading these lifeless waters,
Seas of infinite, tears and agony,
Submerging me beneath my breaths,
The muffled cries
of despair,
Bereft of hope,
The water is still,
Too late to say
Forgive me,
Forgive me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We're waiting for some nice written piece now that we started a new year...Whats the first thing that comes to your mind? Any new year inspiration?