September 09, 2006

Video :: Dispatches: The Killing Zone

A friend of mine forwarded this video to me...Its one of those few video's that really move you and break your heart as well as your tears; its extremely saddening and it takes a direct look into daily Palestinian life as well as aggressions committed by the so-called State of isFake against peaceful protesters from around the globe (such as the International Solidarity Movement). It delves right into the middle of it all and lets you see and judge for yourself...

Disturbingly real and extremely deplorable, but a reality that we must nonetheless recognize, at least that's the first step.

A caution however, some of the video scenes are quite graphic--but that said, sometimes you need to see something to fully appreciate its magnitude.

Here is its description on google-videos:
British report on Israeli violence in Gaza against not only Palestinian civilians, but international aid volunteers and foreign reporters as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very touching…tears gathered in my eyes as the movie played.
Tough truth…May God help them, and support people like you to publish videos like this one, to expose the hidden reality; the status quo of those forgotten; suffering people.