Rest between mine heart and soul Oh whose love I keenly desire Tis my divining, through love, you stole and lit the niche of my heavenly fire Engulf me in your flames of Lord And purge, that love, from that heart thither. For only through Your Love it soared And through that Love, dissolve and wither The fire within one, burns, within all For the potter, of the same clay created Oh Son of Adam, let your self fall! For in falling, it is truly elevated What ailleth man? So arrogant and tall For yesterday he was meagre clot, Tomorrow, as if passing in naught and yet today, he imagines he is all Let your self fall, oh Son of Eve, For the fate of all things await you, Set it free, you must, before you leave, Oh Son of Adam and Eve Set it free and let ‘His’ love engulf you
This is a video a friend forwarded to me, i've watched it, and although it is not really new knowledge as per the gist of it--it still struck me. Slavery as much as we have been assured otherwise, has NOT magically disappeared as some would have us believe, rather it has taken a new tone. It's saddening really, how far these multinational businesses and organizations are willing to go to exploit other human beings, profiting from their misfortune and cheap slave-labour. This video will likely kindle if not a flicker of the conscience many of us have inured to evil and intensify our compunctions for what ever designer clothing we've purchased in the past and dissuade us from purchasing any in the future--so long as the situation remains as foul as it is. I just wish we can make an immediate change, and sadly that's not the case, but the first step towards any problem is first identifying it to begin with... so its a start in the right direction. May the Merciful help us end this suffering.
I was having a really interesting convo with my dad on msn, and yes, I CHAT with my dad on msn, we are several thousand miles away from each other and after all it’s the 21st century innit (spoken with a makeshift Canadio-British™ accent)? Anyway, it was quite an interesting confabulation (muhahaha had to use this con-fabulous word!, okay sorry enough cheese); we spoke about many things, first about a life-long friend he’d just reunited with and with whom he shared nearly everything—literally, carbon copies of each other, the poetry, the art, the same blood type… errmm things which I also have completely in common with my dad, …err hate to say it, but its nearly like father like son in many cases. And as my high-school teacher Mr. Laggis used to say, more often then some of his students liked … “I digress”. The colloquy (ooo another one, muhahah) took its pace as we ventured into the morbid realms of death and old age…both of which we agreed weren’t always passages of life the children of Adam wanted to pass through…And why should we long to pass through them, even amid the worst of quagmires, we love life. We really do, and we love it with a sort of insatiable passion. We savour it and eagerly hanker for more of it, through money, power, pleasure; what ever strokes and seemingly intensifies our existence. As for those of us who’ve contemplated the abominable; suicidally ‘taking’ our lives—cowering and relinquishing our life in an inner crescendo of frustration. To be sure, many of us have been there, some more critically than others and as wrong as it is, it’s never committed because we truly loath the prospect of life. No. Rather, we do it because we love life so much that we cannot bear to see it deficient and seemingly absent of all that of which we deeply desire of life, be it love, power, worldly success; the desires are apparently many, but they are really one. We desire life, in the richest of its forms; a life of lasting peace and of contentment. That’s what rabidly resonates in our soul—the money, the power, the pleasure are no more then transient tastes of what we truly desire. A few dollars might lend a few moments of fleeting peace but just as those dollars are spent so too are those few moments of peace—lasting far less then what we truly desire. Despite the daunting spectre of death and old age, are they not passages toward that greater life—the one we so fervently desire? For our desires are clearly ‘not of this world’ since this world defiantly betrays our desires time and time again—as it banters our unquenchable thirst for life. So if our scales are fair why not long for that eternal abode? And if they are weighty what else is there but to seek redemption and turn in penitence. A kind of tender irony, as God further directs us toward that which we desire; since death becomes an inescapable misfortune, life an endless pit of self-ruin and penitence the only retreat from our misery. And of old-age what more of an invitation to repentance can one ask for? “What is the life of this world but amusement and play? but verily the abode of the Hereafter,- that is life indeed, if they but knew.” The Quran (29:64)
If you havn't seen it you have to see this video! ahah, i watched it a dozen times lol, the man is a riot! lol, it baffles me how he is an MP :P lol he's awesome (at least when he is championing the truth). Its refershing to see British MP speaking so passionately for the right reasons. check it out...
okay, enough... stop watchin Lost or whatever t.v. series you folks are addicted to (okay, fine, im the one addicted to it :P) and watch something beneficial (not that Lost is time lost, hah, but ..err anyway) yah, this is really good, exposes a lot of the misrepresentation of the facts we continually see our media engaging in... Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle ... East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of American political elites--oil, and a need to have a secure military base in the region, among others--work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to exercise a powerful influence over how news from the region is reported. Through the voices of scholars, media critics, peace activists, religious figures, and Middle East experts, Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land carefully analyzes and explains how--through the use of language, framing and context--the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza remains hidden in the news media, and Israeli colonization of the occupied terrorities appears to be a defensive move rather than an offensive one. The documentary also explores the ways that U.S. journalists, for reasons ranging from intimidation to a lack of thorough investigation, have become complicit in carrying out Israel's PR campaign. At its core, the documentary raises questions about the ethics and role of journalism, and the relationship between media and politics.
Eve lives in theory, i know her only by name, she is a mirage, a possibility, a distant claim i’ve heard of her appeal, of how her beauty is real a whiff of divinity a source of serenity her descriptions are plenty, and the words always seem to fail for many have searched painstakingly, but Eve leaves no trail she is as Adam’s Holy Grail lurking only in his fancy, a visage of all that is perfection leaving men to and fro folly to their own deception for Eve lives only in theory they will soon come to know
She lives a crooked lie,
Covering her perception
Till her demise,
Since her inception
Offering excuses,
Backing her desperation
Into his eyes, peering
Yearning, for inspiration
But he is not as she sees,
And she is not as she seems,
To God she prays and pleas,
To foster her reality
To colour her dreams,
But ‘He’ is more aware
Of what is, and ought be,
She lives a crooked lie,
That’s true,
I just wish she could see
I just wish he could see
She lives a crooked lie
but, so does he.