She taught me with her abysmal eyes,
Of lessons, painfully, in time, learnt
Arcane truths etched into the mounds of her furrowed skin,
Assorted wrinkles, of life's wounds, thick and thin,
Teach me, i pled, for my heart yearns to see,
Past life's pain and pleasure,
What life means to be.
Is happiness a rumour tattled between divine ears?
Is man's ego an inversion of his greatest fears?
What lies beyond the orchard of life? Death?
Brute cessation or a lasting breathe?
Why do you smile old lady, in the midst of life's troubles and toil?
She sunk to the ground beneath her, saying
hither i came, and I will return to this very soil
Happiness is a state, not a smile, pleasure, or a laugh for a while
Surely, life is a stranger to stillness, so do not exhaust your hearts hope, sadness will leave just as it comes, and it is meaning that will help you cope.
I smile for a thousand meanings.
I smile for a thousand reasons.
I smile, said the old lady.
I smile.