Salaaams…more pictures :P this time from Homs, one of Syria's popular cities -- a very good friend of mine, is joining the notorious Syrian Army (one of the most powerful in the world, no exaggeration..really :P) yeah, so he invited me over to his village called 'al-qhur al-qarbiya' a village at the outskirts of what used to be old roman fortress/castle. It was soooo beautiful and refreshing, a long ways from the desert like weather of Damascus…. It luscious green pastures, not to mention its pure and unsullied air, arg…beautiful, especially since I've been living in the city for soo long, and the city is anything but green and luscious, and don't even get me started about the air.
lol hussien is a blackbelt in Karate, Homs is Syria's Karate capital they say, with most of its fighters winning championships..heh, so you can guess how we became good friends, lol wer'e both martial art freaks lol, so we naturally had quite a few sparing matches :P
So without further ado :P
like to start off with the worlds most prized animal...the sacred hemaar

yup, sooo many of donkeys, i had to take pictures...

lol, this is Ahmed Kazim and Hussien.... my karate friend is the guy with the black jacket :)

bigfoot in syria...just when you thought it wasn't possible :P

the marvelous olive treee...

now i know i've seen this somewhere, zainab (hussiens little sis) ....

yeah its nabi' Jesus's famous stance :P lol u know some peeps think he was black :P haha (no i'm not one of em)

this is a sort of remix..

more scenic pics..

more donkeys...

we're on top of the old castle ruins...

group pic....

just another hemar!

now this is just mesmerising,...its gotta be the coolest donkey you've ever seen..

this is a grave of some martyr at their local village...victim to sectarian violence

gotta love the scenery

we've made fire...wooohoo

His home....

This zainab, hussien, and shukry

traditional house in the village, its abandoned of course, they no longer live in houses like these but it was interesting to see..

this is some of the village from atop...