November 21, 2006


Let life teach you,
For it’s teeming with instruction,
Etched into every facet of its being,
Seething through all its dimensions
Amid the apparent decay and destruction
A lesson, present, for those seeing

Life is pleading; deliverance
For what you desire is before you
If only you’d seize it,
You are drifting between your destiny,
And your fate
You plea, that if only the two would meet

Forever merging, as they should,
resonating with the Grandeur,
the Splendour, the infinite lyrics
Written into the heart of matter
Sung by the soul of man

This, the Fallen Angel understood,
But failed to see, that in Adam’s weakness,
lay his strength
In his struggle,
In his choice,

A chance at eternity,
a taste of divinity,
a lasting serenity!

Know ye of anything more honoured?
Of anything more frail?

It is before you oh Children of God
Oh Sons of Adam,
Perchance you’d seize it,
Perchance you’d seize it,
Before it seizes you,
D e s t i n y

More pics from Souriyya!

Me and mah boy Aaron (harun) -- its gonna be the cover of our soon to be released gospel-jazz-hop cd -- entitled ''Smoke Sheesha or Die Trying" -- its to encourage the youth, at least the ones who listen to our unique gospel-jazz-hop, to smoke and reach enlightenment :P ehee heheh okay well no.. twisted humour? yes, it happens eheh
- Some snapshots of Lady Zaineb (pbuh)'s shrine
- Some more snapshots of Lady Zaineb (pbuh)'s shrine area
Inside the Ummayyad mosque...ancient isnt it? so much Roman influence in its architecture...
Pictures at a different hammam (public baths), called Malik al-Thaher,
arguably one of the oldest in damascus, at least a melenium -- with Ibrahim and Aaron
really beautiful, honestly...nothing could be more relaxing! it was nice way to end the bday :) you really feel like your in a different era hahah, you start speaking classical arabic like you mean it heheheh --- gotta love the hammam gotta try it :P eheh it sunnah too :P the Imams used to go as well (well, anyway..its more complicated than that isn't it) ...they have a day for women as well...
Some of Ibrahim's boys -- really cool fellas
more pics of the Ummayyad are pretty dark though...
Ibrahim and i blazing it up :P --- okay...just so you don't get any far-streatched ideas, the sheesha thing only rarely happens, maybe once a month or something lol -- after much deliberation its not something to get used to or do on a regular should listen to our soon to be released cd..

some more pics...Good Sheesha and Zuhorat (flower-tea) -- ah reminds me of the
sheesha controversy in Iran, lol ahah

more...........okay you've had enough lol there are plenty more but these are the more settled ones :P

Old city in Damascus, Hamediya
Aaron ibn Farouqiyo and Ibrahim al-Afghani from the tribes of bani mansour :P
Old hammam pic....
Our good ol'pal Salah-ed-Din, well not so good really, a great
conqueror but then he has a lot of blood on his hands, he didn't have a
problem slaughtering shia' dissidents (among others), humm and he's
certainly not alone in that today – some things never change?
Souq al-Hamediya - well at least its ceiling
Mr. Salah-e-dins many castles...
more pics of the old city...
yup this is syria :) hope you enjoyed em